Dzayerpreneur Business Solutions
Studies & Services

Why Dzayerpreneur ?

Because ...

We prioritize personalized, attentive services that are tailored to meet the unique needs and goals of each client. With over 8 million views and 156K followers on social media, we have a vast and engaged audience that speaks to the value of our work.
Let us help you plan your way to success.

Personalized Service Provider

We offer personalized, attentive services tailored to each client's unique needs and goals, with prompt and reliable support.

Technology & Innovation

We leverage the latest technology to offer efficient, accurate, and cost-effective services.

Market knowledge

Our in-depth knowledge of the Algerian market and economy are essential in helping our clients succeed.


Dzayerpreneur, offers a wide range of business solution services designed to help you achieve your goals and maximize your success.

Business Plan

we offer a comprehensive and detailed business plan service that helps entrepreneurs identify their goals and future plans accurately and systematically. This plan is an essential tool for successfully managing and developing a business.

Pitch Deck

Pitch decks are essential for startups and businesses seeking investment or partnerships. At Dzayerpreneur, we specialize in crafting compelling and visually engaging pitch decks that capture the attention of potential investors and partners.

Digital Marketing

In today's digital landscape, a strong online presence is essential for any business. Whether you're a new startup or an established enterprise, our team of experienced digital marketing experts can help you achieve your online goals.


Unlock the full potential of your business with our expert solutions at affordable prices

Market Study

15,000 DA

  • Case Study
  • Market Study
  • Marketing Study
  • Financial Plan
  • Sales Plan
  • Legal Studies
  • Scale & investment Plan

Digital Marketing

22,000 DA

  • Basic Reels
  • Youtube Long Videos
  • Engaging Reels
  • Image Sponsored Posts
  • High Impact Reels
  • Video Sponsored Posts
  • Sponsored Ads

About us

Algerian Business Solutions & Services Company.
Since 2021 and For the Future ...

We are a business consulting solutions company that specializes in delivering business plans, case studies for industrial projects, and startups. With our use of technologies and knowledge of the Algerian market, we consider ourselves the best in the domain. Additionally, our huge fan base of over 8 million views social media is a valuable marketing asset to our business. At Dzayerpreneur, we are committed to providing personalized and attentive services to our clients, working closely with them to develop customized solutions that meet their unique needs and goals.

A word From our CEO

'Entrepreneurship is not just about building a successful business, it's about creating a better future for ourselves and our community'

Our Process

At Dzayerpreneur, we believe in a personalized approach to business consulting. Our process starts with a deep understanding of each client's unique needs and goals. We work closely with our clients to develop customized solutions that are tailored to their specific requirements.


we leverage the power of AI to provide our clients with the most accurate and up-to-date data. We use advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques to analyze market trends, consumer behavior, and other key metrics. This allows us to develop effective strategies and deliver customized solutions that are tailored to our clients' specific needs.

iheb smati - CEO & Co-Founder

Nadir abdeslam
نذير عبـد السلام

Ceo & Co-Founder

طلبت خدمات شركة دزايربرينور لإعداد خطة عمل لمشروعي الجديد وكانت التجربة ممتازة. كانت الخدمة سريعة ومحترفة وتم تلبية جميع المتطلبات بطريقة مثالية. تم توفير خطة عمل واضحة ومفصلة تمامًا للمشروع.

Oussama Kennab
أسامة قنـاب

Kitchen Tools Production

كان فريقهم يعمل بجد لتزويدنا بأفضل الحلول والمعدات اللازمة لبدء مشروعنا الصناعي. كانوا دائمًا متاحين للإجابة على أسئلتنا وتقديم المشورة

Amira S
أميرة .س

Startup Owner / college Student

كانت تجربتي مع دزايربرونار ممتازة. لقد ساعدوني بشكل كبير في تطوير عرض تقديمي لمشروعي الناشئ وتقديمها بطريقة مبتكرة وجذابة. كانوا دائمًا على استعداد للاستماع إلى احتياجاتي وتلبيتها بطريقة احترافية. لن أتردد في العمل معهم مرة أخرى في المستقبل

محمد الأمين


يمتلك فريق دزايربرينور المهارات اللازمة لتقديم الاستشارات المهنية المتميزة في مجال ريادة الأعمال. لقد قدموا لي العديد من النصائح والإرشادات القيمة بشأن المال وريادة الأعمال وأظهروا لي الواقع الاقتصادي في الجزائر. لقد ساعدوني كثيرًا في بدء مشروعي الخاص وزادوا من فرص نجاحي. أنصح بشدة بالتعامل معهم لأي شخص يبحث عن الاستشارات المهنية في مجال ريادة الأعمال.

Nasira Ghedjati
نـصيرة غجـاتي


بعدما ترددت كثيرًا في البداية، قررت الاستعانة بخدمات دزايربرينور للحصول على المشورة والمساعدة في مشروعي الصناعي.
وللحق، فإنني لم أندم يومًا على هذا القرار. لقد أصبحت اليوم رائدة في مجالي .



Setif , El Eulma , Algeria 19000